Types of Accessories

You may need or want to purchase certain pouching accessories. The most common items are listed below.

Convex Inserts

Convex shaped plastic discs that are inserted inside the flange of specific faceplates.

Ostomy Belts

Belts that wrap around the abdomen and attach to the loops found on certain pouches. Belts can also be used to help support the pouch or as an alternative to adhesives if skin problems develop. These usually add a measure of security.


Pouch Covers

Made with a cotton or cotton blend backing, easily fit over the pouch and protect and comfort the skin. They are often used to cover the pouch during intimate occasions.

Skin Barrier

Wipes and powder help protect the skin under the wafer and around the stoma from irritation caused by digestive products or adhesives. They also aid in adhesion of the wafer.

Skin Barrier Paste

Paste that can be used to fill in folds, crevices or other shape or surface irregularities of the abdominal wall behind the wafer, thereby creating a better seal.


Tapes are sometimes used to help support the flange or wafer (faceplate) and for waterproofing. They are available in a wide range of materials to meet the needs of different skin sensitivities.


Tape Remover

Tape remover is helpful in cleaning the adhesive that might stick to the skin after removing the tape or faceplate, or from other adhesives.

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